✅ Recommended Database Databank of 30 million auction prices and indices, detailed auction results and 635,568+ artists. Lists upcoming auctions for over 6300 auction houses. Archive of over 210,000 fine art auction catalogues. Artists’ reports, art market key figures and trends: price index, rankings, turnover, unsold rate, geographic distribution… Includes access to Mayer auction prices 1962-1987, Mireur dictionary of auctions 1700-1900 and the free annual report Art Market Trends.
Fine and Decorative Art Auctions database with over 10 million results from over 1,700 auction houses since 1985. Over half of the records include illustrations. Over 1,000 galleries are featured. The library subscribes to the Price Database only. Market Trends are not covered by the subscription.
✅ Recommended Database Find articles from academic journals and business magazines, as well as company profiles, market research, and industry reports.
This new edition of the venerable guide to the preparation of manuscripts, articles, and papers has been thoroughly overhauled and updated to reflect the new realities of digital texts and electronic publishing.
✅ Recommended Database An interdisciplinary ebook collection of over 125,000 books from trusted publishers in all academic subject areas. Search the entire collection or browse by subject. Read the ebooks online or download onto multiple devices.
✅ Recommended Database Searches multiple EBSCO databases SIA subscribes to at once. Includes: Academic Search Premier, Art Source, Business Source Premier and Index to 19th-Century American Art Periodicals.
✅ Recommended Database Includes Grove Art Online (an online encyclopedia of the visual arts with over 45,000 articles and over 130,000 images), Oxford Companion to Western Art, Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, and Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms.
This is a subset of the much larger ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database. It provides convenient full-text access to only SIA-NY theses for the Sotheby's Institute of Art community. There are hundreds SIA-NY theses from 2011 onward available for SIA students in New York, London and Los Angeles to consult online.
✅ Recommended Database Indexes popular magazines, scholarly journals, newspapers and trade publications in a wide range of subject areas, including business, education, humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Full-text available for over 2,500 journals. Coverage from 1971.
A new database with key art market statistics and data visualizations on the latest sales. It is available on a trial basis currently, please ask the librarian for login credentials.