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(emails answered Monday-Friday, 9.30am-7pm)
Call us: 020 7462 3230
(calls answered Monday-Friday, 9.30am-7pm)
Instagram: librarysia
Source: Patricia Glogowski, Flickr (edited). Licence.
Please use this guide in conjunction with the SIA Postgraduate Handbook, your programme's own dissertation handbook, and the Academic Writing Guide. All are available on Canvas.
Once you have made your presentation and your topic has been approved, you are welcome to book a half-hour appointment with Heidi or James.
We can give advice on finding materials relevant to your topic, such as:
defining your keywords for searches
effective online searching using Summon, databases, repositories and other web resources
other libraries - and perhaps archives: how to find out what they have, and how to access them
how to make the most of SIA's resources - books, dissertations, journal articles and more
where to find advice about primary research.
The more specific your questions, the more help we are likely to be to you. So please let us know, in as much detail as you can, which parts of your topic, or which parts of the research process, you need advice about.
There is a form for you to download below.