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Archives: Some art archives in London

Archives: what they are, how to find them, and when and how to use them.

Source:Diliff, Wikimedia Commons. License.


Bishopsgate Institute
Not art-specific, but a major LGBTQ+ archive with some relevant material.


Black Cultural Archives
Includes a good selection of art-related material, with an emphasis on Black British art, but also covering the African diaspora more generally.

British Museum
Administrative archives and material relating to the running of the Museum. Archive material relating to manuscripts is held by the British Library, and archives relating to the administration of the Museum's building are kept in the National Archives


Goldsmiths, University of London
Material related to Goldsmiths, including catalogues and slides from degree shows. Archival material from elsewhere too, including the significant holdings in the Women's Art Library and an important collection of textiles.

National Gallery
The gallery's own records, including documentation of the history of its pictures. Also private papers of individuals closely connected with the Gallery, and the archive of the Burlington Magazine. The Gallery's board minutes 1828-1918 have been digitised for online viewing.

National Portrait Gallery
The gallery's own records, plus archives related to British portraiture. 

Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art
Chiefly art historians' research papers, concentrating on British art of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

Royal Academy of the Arts
The RA's own records, personal papers of individual artists, plus records of a few other institutions, such as the Society of Artists.


Royal College of Art
The RCA's own records, plus a photographic record of students' work.

Material on artists, art world figures and art organisations in Britain from 1900 to the present day. Includes artworks, sketchbooks, letters, writings, audio-visual material, photographs, printed ephemera, press cuttings. and the Tate's own gallery records. There is an online Tate Archive catalogue.  Access is by appointment, and there may be a substantial waiting time for these.


University of the Arts London
Numerous archival collections. Many are kept at the University Archives and Special Collections Centre in Elephant & Castle, but others are scattered around UAL's different campuses.

The Museum's own records as well as material about art and design, especially 20th century British design. You will need to visit the V&A's Olympia site rather than South Kensington. The SIA London library has a printed Guide to the Archive of Art and Design, which is one part of the archive, published in 2001 (ART1.COL.VIC). The V&A Archive, which includes material relating to the museum's history and holdings, is also accessible at Blythe House.

Wallace Collection
Material relating to the collection and its founders.

Warburg Institute
The correspondence and working papers of E.H. Gombrich, as well as material relating to the Institute and scholars associated with it.  

White Cube
Material about artists who are represented by, or have exhibited at, White Cube. Housed at the Bermondsey gallery. No information is available on White Cube's website, but gallery staff will be helpful if you make contact.

Whitechapel Gallery
Material relating to the gallery and its exhibitions, including photographs, video and audio.