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Other libraries in London: All libraries, A-Z

Guide to other libraries in London useful to SIA students



a - d    e - g    h - l    m - r    s - v    w - z


Aga Khan Library
Islamic studies, including art and architecture

Aga Khan Library homepage

Included in Library Hub Discover? Yes

Access by appointment


BFI (British Film Institute) Reuben Library

Film and TV studies library

Included in Library Hub Discover? No

See the moving image guide for full info


Black Cultural Archives

A library as well as an archive, devoted to Black British history

Black Cultural Archives homepage

Black Cultural Archives archive/library catalogue

Included in Library Hub Discover? No


No appointment or membership necessary.


+44 (0)203 757 8500       Brixton  (map)


Archival items, books, exhibition catalogues, journals and magazines about Black British life and history.

Online resources

Digitised content available via Google Arts & Culture. Range of online subject guides, including one devoted to the arts. The history of the BCA is documented and discussed in Hannah J.M. Ishmael's 2020 PhD thesis 'The Development of Black-Led Archives in London.'

Help with your research

Email for research advice.


British Architectural Library (RIBA)
Includes works on interior design

RIBA library homepage

Included in Library Hub Discover? No


British Library

See separate section of this guide


British Museum

Collection mirrors the Museum's collection
British Museum library homepage
British Museum library catalogue

Included in Library Hub Discover? Yes


Registration in advance of your first visit is required.  Please note there may be a long wait for appointments.


+44 (0)20 7323 8224    (map)


The library collection mirrors the Museum collection.


Chelsea Reference Library

Public library with strong fashion and costume collection

Chelsea Library homepage

Included in Library Hub Discover? No


Courtauld Institute of Art Book Library 

Art history library: currently housed at Vernon Square near King's Cross

Courtauld library homepage
Courtauld library catalogue

Included in Library Hub Discover? Yes


Access is by appointment. Courtauld dissertations, and some exhibition catalogues are now kept off-site, so you will need to make an appointment several days ahead. Further admission details are online.

The Courtauld's impressive image libraries are in the process of being digitised (2024).


+44 (0)20 3947 7630    

 King's Cross  (map)


You might need to visit the Courtauld for dissertations and theses, sales catalogues, exhibition catalogues, or items from their special collections. See a list of recent Courtauld PhD theses.

Online resources, wi-fi, help with your research

Online resources are available.


Drawing Room 

Small library dedicated to contemporary drawing

Drawing Room library homepage

Included in Library Hub Discover? No


Estorick Collection library

Twentieth-century Italian art

Estorick library homepage

Included in Library Hub Discover? No

Access is by appointment, with a written reference, and costs £2.50 per visit


Feminist Library

Independent library with strong arts section

Feminist Library homepage

Included in Library Hub Discover? No


Goldsmiths' Company Library

Jewellery and silverware

Goldsmiths' Company Library homepage

Included in Library Hub Discover? Yes

Access by appointment


Goldsmiths, University of London

Special collections including the Women's Arts Library and textiles

Goldsmiths special collections and archives homepage
Goldsmiths library catalogue

Included in Library Hub Discover? Yes


Access to books in the general collection is generally only possible if you need to consult a book unavailable in any other library open to you. Contact to make an appointment, stating what book(s) you need to look at. Access to the archives and special collections, including the Women's Art Library and textile collection, is also by appointment: please email


+44 (0)20 7717 2295 (archives/special collections)    ​ New Cross/New Cross Gate     (map)


The Women's Art Library is the biggest library collection of women's art material in Europe, with books, magazines, zines, pamphlets, the Women of Colour Index (1985-1995) and artists' documentation boxes containing ephemera, objects and other archival items. There are many other special collections too, including an important collection of works about textiles, housed with the textiles themselves. The books are listed in the library catalogue, and the textiles themselves in the archive catalogue.

Help with your research

The library and archive staff will offer you help in finding relevant material in the Women's Art Library and other special collections, and the archives.

Online resources and wi-fi

Not available to visitors.


Guildhall Library

Public library with important collection of books on clocks and clockmakers

Guildhall Library homepage

Included in Library Hub Discover? No


Hayward Gallery and Archive
Useful for Hayward Gallery publications

Hayward Gallery library homepage

Included in Library Hub Discover? No

Access by appointment


iniva (Institute of International Visual Arts): Stuart Hall Library  

Africa, Asia, Latin America, and British artists from diverse cultural backgrounds

Stuart Hall Library homepage
Stuart Hall Library catalogue

Included in Library Hub Discover? No 


Open to the public for reference. Please register before your first visit using the online form. You will also need to provide one form of photographic ID. Opening times appear on the library homepage. 


+44 (0)20 7630 1278      Pimlico   (map)


One of the leading research centres for international visual art. Focuses on contemporary art from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the work of British artists from diverse cultural backgrounds. Includes over 10,000 books (covering cultural, political, gender and media studies) and exhibition catalogues, over 200 journals, DVDs, CDs, slides and ephemera.

Wi-fi is available.

Help with your research

The librarians can help you research your topic: please email them to make an appointment for this. There are online reading lists relating to iniva's exhibitions.


Live Art Development Agency (LADA) 
Small collection devoted to performance art

LADA library homepage

Included in Library Hub Discover? No


London School of Economics (LSE)
University library specialising in economics, business and social sciences 

LSE library homepage

Included in Library Hub DiscoverYes

Access by appointment only, and only likely to be granted to consult books you cannot find elsewhere. Includes the Women’s Library, a major feminist collection: access is again by appointment: anyone researching topics in feminism should be welcome.


Museum of the Home library
Resources for the study of the home, both historic and contemporary

Museum of the Home library homepage

Included in Library Hub DiscoverNo

National Gallery

Books and other materials relevant to the Gallery

NG library homepage
NG library catalogue

Included in Library Hub Discover? Yes


Open to MA students, who should request books in advance. Students on other SIA courses, such as Study Abroad, need a letter of recommendation from an academic demonstrating their need to use the library. 


+44 (0)20 7747 2542     Charing Cross    (map)


Most likely to be useful if you are looking for an obscure text on an artist or artwork in the Gallery's collection.

Online resources

National Gallery board minutes 1828-1918, Agnew's stock books 1853-1933 and historic National Gallery catalogues are free online.


National Portrait Gallery: Heinz Archive and Library 

British portraiture and sitters' biographies

NPG library homepage
NPG library catalogue

Included in Library Hub DiscoverYes


Access by appointment only, Tuesday-Thursday. Most books are on open shelves in the library, and the others will be fetched for you by library staff. 


+44 (0)20 7321 6617     Charing Cross    (map)


Useful if researching British portraits or portrait artists, including photographers, or portraiture in general. There is much material about the sitters of portraits. As of June 2019, only around 70% of the library collection is listed in the online library catalogue. However all items added to the collection since 1994 are listed.

Online resources and wi-fi

Online journals, plus a small range of databases including JSTOR, are available on a single computer in the reading room. See the left sidebar of the library catalogue page for a listing. Wi-fi is available.

Help with your research

The librarians can help with enquiries about researching the Gallery itself, British portraits, and sitters. Please email, as only very simple enquiries can be answered in the library without advance notice.


Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art

British fine and decorative art

Paul Mellon library homepage
Paul Mellon library catalogue

Included in Library Hub DiscoverYes


Access is by appointment.


+44 (0)20 7580 0311    (map)


British fine and decorative art, architecture and garden history from the medieval period to the present day. Particularly good collections on the country house, including country house guides,  and the grand tour.

Online resources

Online photographic archive, particularly good for eighteenth-century work. Includes both fine and decorative arts.

Wi-fi: is available.

Help with your research

Staff will help with finding relevant material.


Royal Academy of Arts

British art, with significant special collections
RA library homepage and catalogue

Included in Library Hub Discover? Yes


Access is by appointment.


+44 (0) 20 7300 5737     Piccadilly Circus    (map)


You might need to visit to consult the special collections: historic books, prints, drawings and photographs. The collection focuses on British art, and the Academy and its members in particular. There is a notable collection of books illustrated by Royal Academicians and other British artists.

Online resources

Summer and winter exhibition catalogues are freely available online.

Wi-fi: is available.

Help with your research

If you are researching the Academy or an Academician, you are welcome to submit enquiries by email, phone or letter.


Royal College of Art

Library of leading postgraduate art college

RCA library homepage
RCA library catalogue

Included in Library Hub Discover? Yes


Access is offered to special collections and archives only, unless you are an RCA alumn. Access is by appointment; follow the special collections link below.


+44 (0)20 7590 4224      South Kensington    (map)


The special collections include a major collection of books about colour, a photographic record of students' work, some rare books and artists' books. The research repository can be accessed freely online from any location.

Wi-fi: is available. There is no access to the RCA's online resources.



Asian and African art, culture and society

SOAS library homepage
SOAS library catalogue

Included in Library Hub DiscoverYes


It is possible to visit, but not borrow, up to three times in any 12 month period: complete the application form on the admissions page, choosing the day membership option. SOAS will then contact you to arrange your appointment. 


+44 (0)20 7637 2388  email the art and archaeology librarian:   (map)


The leading collection for African and Asian studies in the UK. Includes sales catalogues relating to African and Asian art dating back to 1877.  There are significant special collections.

Online resources

SOAS online resources can be accessed from the library catalogue computers. The art and archaeology section of the website lists recommended art-related resources, many of them freely available. Articles may be downloaded to memory stick but not printed. SOAS digital collections offers items from the archives and special collections online. SOAS Research Online offers pre-publication versions of recent articles and papers from members of the school.


Wi-fi is only available to SIA students if you have BT Wi-fi (e.g. if you have BT broadband at home or have specifically subscribed to their wi-fi service).

Help with your research

The art and archaeology librarian, and the library helpdesk staff, will answer brief queries about searching the library's collections.


Tate Library and Archive

International modern and contemporary art, and British art of all periods

Tate library homepage
Tate library catalogue

Included in Library Hub DiscoverYes


Access is by appointment: the homepage includes a link for requesting an appointment and at the same time registering for free membership.  The form lists the types if ID necessary to register. Please note there is likely to be a longer wait for an appointment if you wish to look at material from the archives or special collections. It is also possible to email to request scans of small amounts of material, e.g. of 10% or one chapter from a book.


+44 (0)20 7887 8838     Pimlico    (map)


The book collection mirrors Tate's art collection, i.e. British art 1500 from onwards and international art from 1900 onwards. The collection is especially strong on international exhibition catalogues, international journals and artists' books. Some material is not included in the online material: e.g. journals which are no longer published, microfilm and microfiche, museum bulletins and ephemera. The library has produced guides to its material about LGBTQ+ art and the Turner Prize.

Online resources and wi-fi

A good selection of art-related databases and journals is available on computers in the reading room. Wi-fi is provided.


Take cash if you think you might want to photocopy, as there are no cashpoints close to Tate Britain. There is a camera stand, which should only be used for photographing images rather than text from books.

University of the Arts London

Six art college libraries around London

University of the Arts library homepage
University of the Arts library catalogue

Included in Library Hub Discover? Yes


Access is by appointment: link and information on the alumni and visitors page. 


Phone numbers and email addresses    various locations around London


The University comprises six leading art colleges which between them have extensive holdings on contemporary art and design. Each library has its individual strengths. Chelsea College of Art has strong holdings of exhibition catalogues, video art and an artists' ephemera collection. The other five colleges are Camberwell College of Arts, Central Saint Martins, the London College of Communication, the London College of Fashion, and Wimbledon College of Arts. There are numerous special collections and archives across the sites.

Online resources, wi-fi, help with your research

Not available to visitors.



See separate section of this guide

Wallace Collection

Books and other materials relevant to the Wallace

Wallace library homepage
Wallace library catalogue

Included in Library Hub DiscoverYes


Access by appointment, with further details on the Wallace library homepage. Books can take 48 hours to fetch but can be requested at the time of making an appointment.


+44 (0)20 7563 9528/9536     Bond Street    (map)


Works relevant to the museum's collection of fine and decorative arts.

Online resources and wi-fi

The Hertford House visitors' book 1876-1897 is freely available online, from any location.

Warburg Institute

Iconography, and antiquity's influence on later Western art

Warburg homepage
Warburg library catalogue

Included in Library Hub DiscoverYes


MA students may join the library on production of an SIA student card. Students on other courses should consult the SIA librarians if they are interested in using this library.


+44 (0)20 7862 8949    (map)


The library's specialities include medieval, Byzantine and Renaissance art, and the influence of classical civilisation on later cultures. There is a large photographic collection, mostly not online, documenting the iconographical tradition in Western art. This link is to an introductory page: you can also go straight to the database. The Menil Archive of the Image of the Black in Western Art is not online, though an index is available.

Online resources

Online resources are available within the Warburg library, including the Index of Medieval Art and the International Bibliography of Art.


Wellcome Collection Library

Medical history library, with surprising amount of visual arts material

Wellcome Collection Library homepage

Included in Library Hub Discover? Yes


Westminster Business Library, Westminster Reference Library, Westminster Chinese Library

Public libraries, specialising in business, art and Chinese-language books respectively

Westminster Business Library homepage
Westminster Reference Library homepage
Westminster Chinese Library homepage
Westminster combined library catalogue

Included in Library Hub Discover? No


Reference use does not require membership or ID. However there are benefits if you do join Westminster Libraries: you can borrow from the small lending collection at the library at the Reference Library, from the Business and Chinese Libraries, and from any public library in Westminster, and use online resources, some from home. Anyone can join: you do not need to live in Westminster.


Business Library: +44 (0)20 7641 4291     Victoria    (map)
Reference Library: +44 (0)20 7641 1300     Leicester Square    (map)
Chinese Library:  +44 (0)207641 6200
      Leicester Square    (map)


As its name suggests, the Business Library specialises in general business resources. The Reference Library specialises in art, with around 45,000 volumes, including 5,000 that can be borrowed. These include books on art business, patrons and collectors, and many journals.  The Chinese Library is a lending library of books on all subjects in Chinese: few are academic, but there are some art and business titles.

Online resources

Some online resources are accessible to library members from any location. These include Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts, the Bloomsbury Design Library and the Fairchild Books Library (for fashion) as well as general reference resources such as the full Oxford English Dictionary and the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Some are only available within the Business Library: these include Fashion Monitor and Mintel Reports.

Wi-fi and PCs

Wi-fi is available in all Westminster public libraries. There are also desktop PCs in each library: these need to be booked in advance, and are only available to members.


Whitechapel Gallery Library

Useful for Whitechapel exhibition catalogues

Whitechapel library website

Included in Library Hub Discover? No


Wiener Holocaust Library

Holocaust and genocide studies

Wiener Holocaust Library website

Included in Library Hub Discover? Yes