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Requesting items from store
The info below applies to all students and staff.
These items are kept in store and need to be requested:
- dissertations
- sales catalogues from before 2017
- books marked STORE in the library catalogue
- some journals and newspapers, particularly if over 5 years old
You can make a request by:
- emailing
- calling us on +44 (0) 207 462 3230
- filling in a form in the library
Please remember to give us this information:
- dissertations: author, first words of title, year, dissertation number (shown in catalogue as, for instance, DISSERTATION #897)
- sales catalogues: name of auction house, exact date of sale, place of sale (e.g. London). And if possible: sale number, sale name and/or catalogue title
- books: author, first words of title, classification (e.g. FIA.SMI.TON)
- journals and newspapers: title, date(s) and/or issue number(s). You can give a range if necessary, e.g. 2004-2005.