More options in Summon
To search by article title, plus the title of the journal, magazine or author, go to Summon's advanced search.
To access advanced search directly from the library homepage, follow the link highlighted below:
To access advanced search from the results screen, follow the link that appears to the right of the search box:
Within advanced search, to search by the name of the article, together with the name of the journal, magazine or newspaper, choose these options:
On the right hand-side of the screen, the + symbol lets you add more rows to the search. For instance you could add the author's name:
Filtering your results by date
Narrowing your results by date is sometimes useful; for instance if you need a piece titled simply "Editorial" from a particular journal.
Run a simple or advanced search as usual, and then go the Publication Date section on the left-had side of the page:
Click the 1 Year button shown above to see resources published in the last year. Use the pencil icon to set your own range of dates.
Articles reprinted in books
Journal articles are often reprinted in books, so see also the following section of this guide, on finding book chapters.
Looking beyond Summon
If you don't find the article you need in Summon - or Summon only provides a citation, not the text of the article itself - there are many more options.
If you know the title of the journal, search for the journal (not the article) using the search box below:
You can also look for a free version of the article in Google Scholar.
See the guide to finding a resource from a citation for even more options for tracking down an article.