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Finding an article by title only
To find a specific journal, magazine or newspaper article using Summon, it is often enough to search by the article title only.
Let's take as an example the article 'The Market for Paintings in Italy During the Seventeenth Century' by Federico Etro and Laura Pagani.
It's often possible to use just a few of the important words from the title, e.g.:
Note that it is not necessary to follow the capitalisation of the article title. Any punctuation, such as a colon before a subtitle, can also be ignored. However it is necessary to spell all the words correctly: Summon does not cope with spelling mistakes. So omit any words you are not sure how to spell: or check elsewhere online, e.g. in Google, for the article title's spelling.
An alternative is searching for the whole title as a phrase. This is useful if most or all of the words in the title are very common ones. Use double quote marks (") like this:
Note that it is possible to miss out words at the beginning and end of the phrase, but not in the middle. The phrase used must exactly match either the whole title or a complete portion of the title. Capitals and punctuation can still be ignored.
Finding an article by title and author
It is also possible to search Summon using the article title and the author's name. This is useful if the title is not a distinctive one. The search can involve a few keywords, plus one or more author's names:
This article has two authors. It should be possible to search by either author's name, or both. It is often best to search by family name alone, as personal names can appear in different forms (e.g. in full or as initials).
Here's how to search for a title as a phrase, with an author:
Note that the author's name must appear outside the quote marks.