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SIA London dissertations
We keep the following SIA London dissertations:
A selection of these are online for SIA MA students here:
The following links take you to lists of dissertations kept in the physical library:
Previous MA programmes:
A selection of dissertations from these previous programmes are online:
SIA New York dissertations
All New York dissertations from 2011 onwards are available online via ProQuest. This includes dissertations that received pass, merit or distinction. To find out if a dissertation received a distinction, you will need to check if there is a physical copy kept in New York, by searching the book catalogue. (In contrast to London, New York only keeps physical copies of distinction-level dissertations.)
To find out which MA course a dissertation was submitted for, open the Citation/Abstract link in the ProQuest record.
At present only New York dissertations appear on ProQuest.
Note: New York uses the term "thesis" instead of "dissertation". These are not PhD theses but Master's level dissertations.
A small number of New York dissertations are also kept in hard copy in London. As of 2016, these are all from MAAB and MACA, and will be found via the links at the top of this page. You can also see the full list via this link:
SIA Singapore dissertations
We keep a small number of MAAB and MACA dissertations from the SIA Singapore campus from 2007-11. These will be found by following the appropriate links further up this page. You can also see the full list here: