You can use the links in the previous section of this guide to browse the dissertations completed for particular courses. Please remember that students on other courses may have written dissertations relevant to you.
Or you can search for dissertations on a topic.
Search method #1: with Summon
Run your search, including "sotheby's institute" as a phrase in quote marks:
A few resources that are not dissertations will appear in the results list. To hide these, choose the Dissertation/Thesis filter from the left hand menu on the results page:
If you cannot immediately see the Dissertation/Thesis option, scroll down to see the full range of Content Type options.
Search method #2: with the book catalogue
From the library homepage, follow the link marked Book Catalogue from the top menu.
Within the catalogue, select the option Advanced search from the drop-down menu, and then click on Enter your search here ... to activate the range of advanced search options, as shown below:
This will take you to the range of advanced search options, as shown below. For Branches, select London. For Collections, select DISSERTATIONS. Then enter your search terms and run your search:
This second method will give you a shorter, more focussed set of results. However searching in the book catalogue not find you New York dissertations which are available online. Search Summon, or follow this link to the New York online collection, for these.