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Summon - advanced search: Summon's advanced search screen

Tips for using Summon when simple search is not enough


To access Summon's advanced search  from the library homepage, follow this link: 


From the Summon results page, follow the link to the right of the search box:


Here are two useful advanced searches:

Here we have changed one of the All Fields search boxes to Author, to find material written by a particular person.


Here we are searching for our keywords in the title of books, articles and other documents only. This differs from Summon's default option, which also searches the actual text of documents, plus abstracts, summaries, tags etc.


Please remember the difference between Title and Publication Title.  Title refers to an individual document, such as a book or article. Publication Title means the title of a whole journal, newspaper or magazine.  

It is possible to use the Publication Title option, in conjunction with your keywords, to search within a particular journal. However Summon does not usually offer the best way of running this kind of search. Instead, try finding the journal using the search box below, and running your search from within the journal itself.