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Free resources: Luxury business

Free online resources about art and the art world.


Mazzali Bespoke Italian Furniture. Krea book case and living and office area.
Source: Mazzali, Flickr (edited). Licence.


Key resource

Google Scholar
Google's specialist search engine for academic content. Material that is free to read online will have a PDF link, or similar, on the right of the screen. Many articles come in multiple versions, accessed by the small link 'All x versions' below each result.  This is worth checking if as alternative versions may be available even if the primary version is not.  Note: current SIA MA  students, and other SIA students on accredited courses, should access Scholar via the library database guide, in order to link through to resources available on subscription.


Other resources

Dissertations and theses
Global Electronic Theses and Dissertations Search is a search engine for finding free online versions of theses and dissertations from around the world, at both master's and doctoral level. 
EThOS offers doctoral theses (dissertations) from UK universities, and other degree-awarding institutions in the UK. When searching, check the box Limit search to items available for immediate download... for material you can read on your laptop or other device.


Scholarly articles about economics, with a reasonable selection of material about luxury.


JSTOR is mainly a subscription service, but gives limited free access to the general public. If you find an article you want to read, use the Register & Read service.  You can access 3 articles in each 14-day period. Current SIA MA students, and other SIA students on accredited courses, should generally not use the above link, but instead follow the JSTOR link from the library database guide, because that will give access to the SIA subscription. 


News, comment and analysis
All the resources on the More online resources page are free to access.


National Bureau of Economic Research
Create your own free account and then use the search function to find articles on luxury. 


OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks)
Scholarly books, including some important titles about luxury. 


Often the best starting point for finding free scholarly material.  They are large online collections, created by universities and other institutions, and usually include the most up-to-date research.  Our guide to repositories gives more information, with links to tools for searching many repositories at once.