Most e-books will be found with Summon.
However please also see the e-book guide for:
- more info about the e-book collections available in Summon
- links to other e-book collections which need to be searched separately from Summon
E-books on specific topics are collected here:
The most relevant sections of the library are:
organised by subject:
- AA.ACC accounting
- AA.ALT alternative investments
- AA.BP business plans and business models
- AA.DIG digital technology in business and the workplace
- AA.ECO general economics
- AA.ETH general business ethics
- AA.LAW general business law
- AA.LOG logistics
- AA.LUX luxury
- AA.MAN business management and entrepreneurship
- AA.MAR general marketing
- AA.RES research techniques for business in general
- AA.STA working with statistics
- AA.SUS sustainability; environmental issues facing business in general
- AA.ZZZ pamphlets and booklets
- AB art business
organised by subject:
- AB.AUC auctions
- AB.AUT authenticity
- AB.CON conservation and collection care
- AB.CUL art world economics
- AB.ETH art world ethics
- AB.FAI art fairs
- AB.FAK fakes and forgeries
- AB.LAW art law
- AB.MANA arts management
- AB.MAR marketing
- AB.MKT art markets today
- AB.NET the network; the art world in general
- AB.POL public policy
- AB.RES research techniques for art business
- AB.SUS sustainability; environmental issues facing the art world
- AB.WW2 World War II and Nazis
- AB.ZZZ pamphlets and booklets
- MUSE museums, galleries and curating
- PAT patronage and collecting
organised as follows:
- PAT1 general themes in patronage and collecting
- PAT2 patronage and collecting in particular time periods, but not limited to a country or continent
- PAT3-PAT7 patronage and collecting in individual countries, continents or areas. Includes works on art markets before 1945
- PAT8 individual patrons and art world figures.
There is some overlap between the AB and PAT sections.
A selection of MAAB dissertations are online here:
And dissertations from our New York campus, including many from MAAB, are here:
The following links will take you to lists of relevant dissertations kept in physical form in the London library:
Relevant dissertations may have been completed by students on other courses, so you may wish to search more widely.
See also: