artnet includes two auction price databases, for fine arts and design, and for decorative arts. There are records from over 500 auction houses since 1985. Over half of the records include illustrations. The library subscribes to the price database only, and not to the analytics report packages, or any intelligence reports between spring 2021 and the end of 2023. There is limited access to Pro news items.
artnet is very helpful for finding out information on specific sales or lots. You can use it to discover estimate and achieved sales prices, technical information about the size and material construction of a work, record sales and cross-compare sale prices by date.
How to log in to the artnet databases:
artnet is accessed by the Institute's single sign-on system. So ensure you follow a link from the library website (such as this page), Canvas, or another link provided by the Institute. You will be taken to the page below: choose the Log In or Register link in the top right hand corner:
On mobile, instead of the words Log In or Register, you will see this icon:
Both the words and the icon function as a link which takes you straight to a page from where you can access the two price databases:
See also:
There are also many current news articles. Although there is limited access to news articles marked Pro, some of these may be reproduced on other websites. For the artnet newsletter, sign up at, at the foot of the page: this is the only time SIA students and staff should take this route to artnet rather than following an SIA link which goes via single sign-on.
artnet's other services include a twice-yearly Intelligence Report (SIA has access to reports up to spring 2021, and then from 2024), an A-Z of artists, and artist monographs.
Credit for log in icon: Business PNGs by Vecteezy.