The following indices in book form are kept in the library store. Please ask the librarians to fetch whatever you need. Complete runs of the various series are available at other libraries.
Art Sales Index. 1971/72. 1973/74-1978/79 (volume 2 of 1977/78 missing). 1984/5-1987/88. Not for loan.
Auction Prices of Old Masters, 1970-1980. Covers period October 1970-July 1980. PAT.GEN.ASI.OM
Auction Prices of 19th Century Artists, 1970-1980. Covers period October 1970-July 1980. PAT.GEN.ASI.19C
Auction Prices of Impressionist and 20th Century Artists, 1970-1980. Covers period October 1970-July 1980. PAT.GEN.ASI.IMP
Lyle Official Antiques Review. 1991 only. PAT.GEN.LYL
Miller's Antiques Price Guide. 1982, 1985-89, 1991, 1995, 2000, 2002. PAT.GEN.MIL
Sotheby's Guide: Antiques and their Prices Worldwide. 1986, 1988-90. Title varies by year. PAT.GEN.SOT
Benezit Dictionary of Artists includes selected auction records for prominent artists. Useful for seeing sample prices from before the period covered by Artprice and artnet.
Indices at other libraries
Leonard's Price Index of Latin American Art at Auction (published 1999) is available in book form at the British Library and Tate Britain Library. It is also available, for MA students, at Senate House Library.
Gordon's Print Prices and Photography Prices and the Blouin Art Sales Index are available at the National Art Library. They are online and can be accessed on the National Art Library's own computers or on your own device, but only while you are connected to the Library's secure wi-fi.