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Price databases: Invaluable

Links to price databases and tips for using them


(Please email for username and password: available to current SIA staff and students only)

Invaluable offers prices and other information about sales of fine and decorative arts and collectable objects, worldwide. Includes details of upcoming auctions and an auctioneer's directory.


Invaluable is great for finding out about sales of decorative art.


It is also useful for finding out about sales information for smaller or lesser-known auction houses.


How to use Invaluable

Click on the 'Advanced Search' button at the top of the page.


Select 'Past Auctions'.


Fill in relevant terms in the 'Keywords' box.


Once you have entered your search you will be taken to the results page. You can use the bar of options on the left to filter your search results.


Underneath each image on the results page there is some information about the date of auction, object, auction house and price.


On each item's page you can find more details about the object and the sale.