Most e-books will be found with Summon.
However please also see the e-book guide for:
- more info about the e-book collections available in Summon
- links to other e-book collections which need to be searched separately from Summon
See in particular:
Key sections of the library include:
- FIA2.19C global movements in nineteenth-century fine art, including impressionism, post-impressionism and symbolism
- FIA2.20C global movements in twentieth-century fine art
- FIA3 - FIA7 fine art by country, continent or area
- FIA8 individual fine artists
- SCU sculpture
- PAT1 patronage and collecting - general themes
- PAT3 - PAT7 patronage and collecting by country, continent or area. Organised by the nationality of the collectors and patrons. For instance, a general study of American collectors of European art will be at PAT7.USA.
- PAT8 individual patrons and collectors
- AB.MKT art markets since 1945. No books specifically about modernism, but many will have relevant chapters.
You may wish to look at both MAAB dissertations, generally with more emphasis on the market, and MAFDAD or MAFDA dissertations, generally with more emphasis on the art.
You can search in Summon for dissertations on an artist, movement, dealer or collector like this:

A few resources that are not dissertations will appear in the results list. To hide these, choose the Dissertation/Thesis filter from the left hand menu on the results page.

For more info: