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Library Resources

Summon Search

Federated search of library resources including Liberty Catalogue and Electronic Resources

Our broadest search tool, great for the initial phases of research

Library Catalogue

Catalog of physical holdings of the New York Library

All the print resources (books, periodicals, theses before 2017) in the New York Library

A to Z Databases

Comprehensive List of Electronic Resources Available through the New York Library

More specific resources Sotheby's and neighboring institutions subscribe to

EBook Collections

List of EBook collections available through the New York Library

Full books accessible online


Tool for organizing, saving and citing scholarly sources

Helpful in the writing process

Research Guides

Links to research guides by subject

This is a great place to get ideas on where to start, organized by subject

Digital Commons

Sotheby's Institute specific digital repository hosting all the graduating thesis and capstone projects from 2017- Present

Organized by year, searchable and available for PDF download

Creative Commons License
All Library Guides by Sotheby's Institute of Art New York Library are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. 3rd-party content including, but not limited to images and linked items, are subject to their own license terms.